Welcome to my first every year in review chronicle – where I share the highlights, the numbers, the lessons learned, and what’s to come in the following year around both of my businesses – The Fit Peach and Peach Perfect Financials – and my personal life (little bit of that too 😉 ).

The Numbers
The Fit Peach
2022 was a big year numbers-wise for my food blog, The Fit Peach.
- Page sessions were up nearly 300% (ummm WOW) compared to 2021
- The largest growth (over 200%) also happened to be from my pal Google which is great because that’s exactly what I was focusing on
- The blog reached over 700k new users – hi new friends!!
- Blog revenue is up 20% compared to last year (more on this below, but I’ll take it!)
- 2 new contractors hired!
The blog’s traffic growth really took off this year which amazes me because I actually took a lot of my focus and threw it towards my other business, Peach Perfect Financials, over the majority of the year. The fact that the blog continued to grow in large “passive income” areas (aka ad revenue and affiliate revenue) is incredible and shows me that it has great earning potential without me hustling SO hard.
Peach Perfect Financials
Okay, this year was record breaking for Peach Perfect Financials. Just look at these numbers:
- Over 100 clients served and satisfied – wahoo!
- Revenue increased 330% compared to 2021
- 1 part-time contractor
- 1 brand-spankin’ new website launched
2022 blew me away with what Peach Perfect Financials is capable of. I had no idea this little accounting biz I started back in early 2020 would grow at this speed. I love every one of my clients I work with and watching their own businesses grow makes it even better! I have BIG plans for this business and I can’t wait to see what the numbers look like for 2023!
The Beutlers
The family also had one heck of a year!
- 1 new addition to the family – hi Lucy girl!
- 1 move across states lines to Virginia
- 4 weddings attended
- 2 road trips with both girls – New York City and Seabrook
- 1 Two year old birthday party
- 1 trip to New York to celebrate Stephen’s 30th
The Lessons Learned
2022 was a whirlwind of a year in terms of business. There were ups and downs and hard decisions made. Here are a few of the biggest things I’ve learned:
- OUTSOURCE ANSLEY! I don’t know why it’s been so hard for me to let go over certain areas of my businesses. I even have a business that people outsource to! This is an area I definitely need to lean into more. I did finally hire 2 contractors to help with the blog – a copywriter and social media VA. I hired both of them right after Lucy was born and it’s been amazing to delegate some tasks. I also hired a contractor for Peach Perfect Financials (spoiler alert – it’s my mom!). She’s queen of all things bookkeeping and has really helped with a lot of the nitty-gritty numbers tasks. She’s also coming onboard to work with me full-time in 2023 which will be a major help!
- Adaptability is key. The social media world basically got flipped upside down in 2022 with the emphasis of video content and software update after software update after software update (ahem…Instagram). Being able to adapt to the changing environment is critical for a business’ success. Think of BlockBuster! They flat out didn’t adapt. I didn’t want to be a BlockBuster so I choose to change with the times and learn a new skill. I’m proud to say I took on the challenge of video this past year and it has truly paid off.
- Less is more. This is primarily in reference to my food blog. I’m one to have a running list of recipe ideas at all times. And I want to get to all of them. I posted more recipes this past fall and winter than I ever have before. And this was right after Lucy was born! Yes, new content is great but I also have decided I nee to focus on my existing posts on my blog and make sure they’re doing everything they can for me! This is my area of focus in 2023.
A lot happened in 2022 personally – honestly a lot of great things happened! And of course, I learned a lot along the way:
- Reliable babysitters are gold! My husband and I have always prioritized date nights and spending time nurturing our own relationship but with two kids it’s even more important. We’ve decided to make date night a mandatory thing 2 times every month. Having a babysitter that’s reliable and has a good relationship with your kids is a must while they’re young!
- Always read your contracts! I’m not a liberty to disclose much more than that, but take it from me…read your contracts before you sign anything!
- Time is precious. Not to get sentimental or anything but the birth of my second girl really hit me. Eloise, my first, is now a big sis and going to school and looks like a full blown little girl now! It really does seem like yesterday she was the one in the newborn diaper. The first two years of her life, all be it were also pandemic years, flew by way too quickly. Although she was at home with me for the first few years, I still feel like I missed out on some things because I was very focused on growing my businesses. I’m taking 2023 to slow down a bit and soak up these precious years because I know they’ll fly by.
The Highlights
The Fit Peach
The biggest milestone for my blog was finally qualifying for an ad network to run advertisements on my website. This is one of the most lucrative and passive ways blogger make money. I managed to qualify for Mediavine over the holidays in 2021 but the ads went live on my site in mid January. I also switched ad providers in late summer in hopes of higher RPMS and better quality ads and I’ve been very pleased.
I also took a real good look at my target audience this year and who I wanted my ideal reader to be. I had been making lots of sweets and treats and I was no longer feeling really aligned with where the blog was headed. Now more than ever your “brand” needs to be well defined so you know who you’re talking to! I made the decision to pivot into the savory realm of things and started sprinkling in everyday dinner recipes and appetizers. Thankfully it’s been well received and I hope to continue to share more of these types of recipes in 2023.
Peach Perfect Financials
Peach Perfect Financials got a shiny new website! I had been wanting a big makeover to better showcase who we are and what we do and stumbled upon a copywriter, BTL copy, and web designer, Kleist Creative, who were the dynamic duo behind PPF’s new home. It’s was a race to get it all up and running in such a short amount of time before the holidays but I’m swooning over the end product.
Another big “yay” moment for PPF has been finally figuring out where I want this business venture to go. After the rapid growth we’ve had this year I have a much better understanding of what I want the business to ultimately be – a one-stop shop for creators and all their numbers needs!
The Beutlers
First and foremost, the biggest highlight of the year was welcoming our sweet baby girl, Lucy, in late September. She gave me a run for my money in the early stages of pregnancy (and in the middle of a very busy tax season), but she ended strong with a perfectly uneventful entrance into the world. She’s a white-haired blue-eyed chunk of love that we couldn’t be more obsessed with.
Eloise also took on her most important role yet of Miss. Big Sis which she’s handling more than well. She also started school in the fall – something mom is very happy about. Thankfully Eloise and school like each other. She’s learned more words during her 2-day a week time there than I ever could have imagined. She’s also developed a knack for carrying the school-germs home with her (looking on the bright side, it helps to build the immune system?).
My husband I took a much-needed vacay out to Napa Valley in late spring for my post-tax season vacation. I also happened to be about 16 weeks pregnant so I was sipping and spitting like the best of em’.
I also surprised my husband with a quick weekend trip to NYC for his 30th birthday. We went to Hamilton on Broadway, brunched on top of Restoration Hardware, ate at this amazing Egyptian restaurant with a live belly dancer, and walked over 60,000 steps. I was only 30 weeks pregnant and there was only a mildly major heat wave engulfing the city…it’s fine. Highly recommend the Moxy hotel in Chelsea. It’s perfectly located just blocks away from this insane cocktail joint.
For some reason I have vowed to add more spontaneity into our lives…starting with a last minute trip back to NYC over Christmas eve in the middle of a record breaking cold front. I do not mess around with I make a vow to do something I guess. Jokes aside, it was a very memorable trip – we got tickets to the NYBG holiday train exhibit and light show, drank the best hot chocolate of our lives, popped into St Peter’s, and got home in time for Santa to arrive.
Last but not least, my husband landed his dream job late in the year with the Foreign Service. He had been chasing it for a while so to see him finally cross that finish line was remarkable.
Helloooo 2023!
We’re not even half way into January and I already have all-the-plans! I won’t spill too many of the beans but here’s a little about what’s in store:
- The Beutlers are packing up shop and moving back to Atlanta for about a 6 month stint. My husband’s new job requires off site training (meaning he will be away from home) so I’m taking this as an opportunity to get some extra help with the girls back home!
- We hope to return back to the DC area (maybe New York or Boston?) in the fall! Lots of moving is in our future for 2023.
- Peach Perfect Financials is getting a big systems & processes makeover by The Blaire House. I’m jazzed about this because it’s about time I level up my tech both in my business and in my personal life and Brooke is going to be the one to show me how to do it!
- Plans for The Fit Peach involve lots more savory recipe and a BIG content audit that I’ll be chipping away at throughout the year.
That’s all for now! 2022, you were one heck of a year and I know 2023 will have some pretty big things in store too!
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